Bicycle Exercise

Remember the days when you rode a bicycle? Of course there were no pot-bellies to be worried about and it was an amazingly fun activity, right? Well, similar to that bicycle ride, you can easily set a bicycle exercise in motion right at your home. Nothing much to do – simply lie on the floor with your hands behind your head and the fingertips touching the ground for a little support. Next, raise your legs just like the usual crunch and gradually pull back your knees towards your torso. Try and feel the pressure on your abs. Now stretch your left leg out, preferably to 45-degrees and cycle away. Make sure your right-side upper body rotates very well. This will work out the fat deposits in areas like the torso and the tummy. Switch sides and keep continuing. Isn’t it amazing to know that you could still bicycle to remain fit and gorgeous without actually purchasing a bicycle?

Reference: Real Simple


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